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Имаме безплатна доставка за цяла България. Ако поръчате до 16:00 часа, вашата поръчка ще пристигне на следващия работен ден. Ако поръчката ви е в петък след 16:00 часа и през уикенда, можете да очаквате поръчката ви да пристигне във вторник следващата седмица.

Наличност: Изчерпано
Състояние: Използвано
Баркод: 9786197149012
Търговски код: 6179
ISBN: 9786197149012

Randall Baker | Bulgariana

Цена 27.90 лв.
Този продукт е second hand
  • A light-hearted view of life in today’s Bulgaria written during two long stays in the country in 2008. The author brings a British sense of humor to bear on the many small things that make this a unique place. He does this through the lives of a number of Bulgarians dealing with life and the Global Financial Crisis. The book provides a unique insight by an outsider of the many things that Bulgarians take for granted, and reflects on the daily remark by Bulgarians “…if this was a “normal country” but it wouldn’t be the Bulgaria the author loves if it were a normal country—whatever that is. The book is well-illustrated and is written as the events unfold, giving a real sense of “being there.”