Книга с автограф SWORDS AND PLOUGHSHARES Paddy Ashdown
Подписаните ни издания са доставени от професионални дистрибутори на меморабилия и лимитирани подписани стоки във Великобритания и САЩ. Elephant Bookstore отговаря за автентичния произход на всеки един продукт и го гарантира със сертификата си на търговец на лимитирани ексклузивни стоки.
Bringing peace to the 21st century: The men and women of the British armed forces are currently engaged in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Balkans in 'peacekeeping operations'. How do we avoid these missions turning into long-term entanglements, like the current disaster that is Iraq? How do we bring our soldiers home? And what do we do about 'failed states' that are havens for gangsters and terrorists? Paddy Ashdown fears we will soon see major wars between nation states. Many will begin as minor conflicts that will expand into full-scale wars unless the international community intervenes. The war to stop the big wars is to deal promptly with the small ones.
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