Batman vs Predator - Bloodmatch
- Batman versus Predator III: Blood Ties, originally titled Batman versus Predator III, is a four-issue limited crossover comic book series that was first published by DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics from December 1997-February 1998. It was written by Chuck Dixon, illustrated by Rodolfo Damaggio, inked by Robert Campanella, colored by Pat Garrahy, Heroic Age, Lee Loughridge and Darren J. Vincenzo, lettered by John Costanza and edited by Denny O'Neil, Scott Peterson, Jenette Kahn and Darren J. Vincenzo, with cover art by Damaggio and Campanella. In the comic, Batman is joined by fellow Gotham-based characters Robin, Oracle, Catwoman and Mister Freeze when two more Predators come to their city.Blood Ties was a sequel to 1991 Batman versus Predator and 1993's Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch.